EGM announced on 1st August, with stated intent to close the Club if the Vote is NO.
FoVGC prepared a Members’ statement with over 100 signatures, identifying concerns with the resolution.
VRRA, VM, golfers, neighbours and FoVGC continued to be united in calling for delay of the Vote, and appealed for 3-way discussion with CC and Oakstand.
FoVGC engaged with NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority (ILGA) to investigate, to delay the Vote and to prevent the immediate shutdown of the Vincentia premises.
Further workshops and consultation with Oakstand.
Club members being warned & banned.
Extraordinary General Meeting on 25th August voted resoundingly NO.
Vincentia Golf Club closed on Monday 26th August.
This month has been the decision point for the Country Club’s plans for the future of the Vincentia Golf Club. Both the Extraordinary General Meeting and NO vote result on the 25th August and the CC’s decision to close the VGC on Mon 26th August are critical points in VGC history. Closing the club and course has had a variety of impacts and is heartbreaking for many community and club members.
The Members’ statement was intended to be sent to all CC members, as another perspective on the EGM resolution. Thank you to the members who considered & signed it. In the end, it was not circulated to the CC membership, because the CC advised it would cost us $5,700 in printing, postage and electronic distribution charges. However, it did provide CC Board and management with visibility of a range of issues that people were expressing, and we were able to share it on our website and Facebook page.
An ILGA delegation visited the CC and FoVGC (separately) on 21st August. Disappointingly, the appeal to ILGA was unsuccessful, as the issues raised are regarded as a civil matter, which would need to be pursued through the courts. The issues raised included insufficient information to seek the Vote, linking Club closure to a NO vote, and challenge to the Country Club’s accounting.
Several club members received CC warnings or sanctions during the month for a variety of reasons, including a specific Facebook post, and for the Facebook administrators. Hence our monitoring of our Facebook page has increased, and several posts and comments have been removed.
The FoVGC Facebook group has been very active in the lead-up and aftermath of the EGM, cracking 1,000 followers. The group was suspended on 28th August, to allow clear air for constructive reconciliation discussions to occur with the CC.
Meanwhile, there were many discussions with Oakstand, including significant presence by their CEO. For those interested in visibility of the developer’s consultation meetings:
Meetings with adjoining neighbours on the 26th July to view specific impacts of the development on those streets (Cockbourne, Prowse, Louisa, Omega).
Two workshop meetings were held on 8th August (with VM+FoVGC reps, VRRA reps). Followed by two meetings on 9th August (with Vincentia golf sub-club reps, adjoining neighbours). At these meetings, Oakstand showed a revised development plan with single story buildings for clubhouse and adjoining neighbours, with 4 storeys at the “back” of the site (away from neighbours). This was a response to the consultation feedback, and dependent on gaining council approval for 4 storeys.
On 13th August, a new working group of reps from VRRA, golfers, residents, FoVGC & VM was formed to be a panel for 3-way communication with CC and Oakstand, going through to at least DA submission. A meeting was held with CC & Oakstand on 22nd August.
Oakstand’s proposal baseline went back to all 3-storey buildings (because DA approval for the mix of 1-4 storeys is not certain), with two levels of seniors living above the clubhouse. While the development blue box is 7.7ha, 1ha is club+carpark, and they’ll only be building on 2.2-3ha of the remaining blue box.
The proposed clubhouse is 250m2 inside (~¼ the current size) and 200m2 deck. A preliminary sketch included a cafe, and pokies on the deck area, to maximise internal seating. No identification of capacity for the increase in patronage.
This proposal loses the community’s restaurant and function amenity. Provision of a shared restaurant may be part of the design, but not guaranteed.
CC committed to keep the top 2 remaining golf holes in play. But new location of golf sheds & practice areas undecided (important because it could further impact the front 9 holes). No evidence or explanation of CC financial viability.
Again, we requested a delay to the Vote (given that Oakstand’s contract only requires it within their 12-month exclusivity period, i.e. by May 2025, and Oakstand’s CEO had stated that he “wouldn’t stand in the way” if that’s what the members and CC wanted). The CC President denied that request.
Also on 22nd August, Oakstand’s CEO plus the CC President, CEO and Assistant Manager held 1-hour sessions throughout the day at the Basin precinct, for the benefit of any members who wished to find out information for themselves.
With the CC’s announcement that VGC was closed permanently, the developer Oakstand has no path forward for their seniors living proposal. Oakstand said they would be pleased to re-engage if the CC should choose to explore alternate options for the site. They also expressed thanks to the community groups and members for their engagement.
Finally, our focus for the coming weeks is to find a path to get the club re-opened. Conciliation discussions are underway between the CC and a couple of individuals, and we expect to see a statement shortly from the Club on the intended way forward.
Download a copy of this FoVGC Monthly Summary - August 2024 and feel free to share it with family, friends and neighbours.