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No response from SGBCC Board re 23rd October legal letter

Updated: Nov 12, 2024

As reported in our FoVGC Monthly Summary - October 2024 on 1 November, FoVGC Inc. engaged a legal firm for advice on possible options should the Country Club Board not listen to members’ wishes. A letter dated 21 October 2024 was sent to the SGBCC Board outlining the FoVGC legal position.

Here we are 3 weeks later and still no response in writing from SGBCC Board.

Hopefully the letter has had the effect of convincing the Board to refrain from some of the unlawful and nonsensical actions that it is understood they were contemplating.

Sadly though, notwithstanding numerous commitments by the Club President to transparency and consultation, the Board refuses to engage meaningfully with members or Community groups concerning the future of VGC.

As the SGBCC Board has refused to address the concerns raised, these are summarised as follows:

a. Exposure of SGBCC and Board members to legal action for apparently unlawful conduct;

b. Apparent disregard of legal obligations stipulated in the Amalgamation MOU;

c. Asserted financial performance of VGC is not a basis to cease operations at VGC;

d. VGC remains core Club property irrespective of closure and cannot be disposed of without member concurrence;

e. The supporting information for the proposed and rejected non-Core resolution fails to meet the legal precedent for a resolution of this nature (the Board chose to ignore this constraint); and

f. Board action to give up VGC Liquor and Gaming licences would breach Director's legal due diligence obligations.

It is hoped that the Board will at least re-open the course, and soon recognise its accountability to members and the Community by engaging in meaningful consultation to realise the potential of VGC.

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